Saturday, April 6, 2013

ZacksQuest Contemplates- The Cold Boy

I came to the checklist of Fears I can either praise or roast, and someone told me to review the Cold Boy. And lo and behold, here I am... doing... that.
Okay, let me get this off my chest. Just like the Plague Doctor, the Cold Boy is on my personal top ten list of Fears. And for good reason. He's a Fear I can find no trouble in writing, no matter how I feel and no matter the circumstance. Also, he's the spirit of loneliness and being forgotten by others, left on the sidewalk and waiting for a lonely, loveless end. That's a fear that hits really close to home for a number of reasons, and the fact that there are children freezing to death, lonely, forgotten, maybe even abused. He's also incredibly creepy. You can say he has a... chill factor.
Okay, stop throwing the tomatoes, I'll stop making puns... thanks for giving me the cold should- OH FINE.
The Cold Boy appears as a lonely young child, either with a rosy-cheeked slightly cyan-tinted face, or a garish, cracked-open frostbitten nightmare face. Either or. He can wear a striped shirt, a turtleneck, a Huck Finn straw hat (surprisingly very fitting), shoeless, torn open socks... his wardrobe doesn't matter, though. He also spouts the most terrifying nursery rhymes this side of Homicidal Mother Goose, and he has the tendency to reach out to the lonely... and freeze them. Not cool for someone who just wants friends, Cold Boy. Not cool at all, broseph...
...oh God no pun intended nopunintendednopuninTIHJAUGH FUCK MAN. A SHOTPUT!?
However, there is a complaint I have about the Cold Boy. I seem to notice that, in all the time I have read blogs with the Cold Boy, he is either a cunning, terrifying abomination, or the most sympathetic eldritch being ever to exist. Either he's out for blood, with a terrifying, cracked-open frostbitten face and a disturbingly innocent smile, OR he's a poor little lost kid who needs a friend. I believe that there is an equilibrium... some middle ground where he's both terrifying and sympathetic, and you have the perfect mixture for a well rounded abomination.
His servants are Children of the Cold. Children who serve the Cold Boy who were lonely in human life and also have the abilities of the Cold Boy himself, minus the immortality and fairly less powerful than The Cold Boy. As far as I'm concerned... the Children of the Cold are actually pretty cool in some cases, but at the end of the day, creepy, disturbing, powerful, or no, they're basically little armies of Cold Boy clones... which is honestly a horrifying thought I shall never relate anything to again.
In conclusion, I love the Cold Boy, his possibilities, the way he can be molded into a fine shape, and what he symbolizes. However, it seems he can only either be written creepy or written tame, and his Servants are not what they could be. Oh well. Maybe a blog will come along and change all that. The spectacular blog that will come down when a great blogger finds the grey between the black and white of the Cold Boy's possible appearances.

Blogs I Reccomend:

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